
Package chart

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type Area3DChart
    func (c Area3DChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)
    func (c Area3DChart) AddSeries() AreaChartSeries
    func (c Area3DChart) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c Area3DChart) X() *crt.CT_Area3DChart
type AreaChart
    func (c AreaChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)
    func (c AreaChart) AddSeries() AreaChartSeries
    func (c AreaChart) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c AreaChart) X() *crt.CT_AreaChart
type AreaChartSeries
    func (c AreaChartSeries) CategoryAxis() CategoryAxisDataSource
    func (c AreaChartSeries) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c AreaChartSeries) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties
    func (c AreaChartSeries) SetText(s string)
    func (c AreaChartSeries) Values() NumberDataSource
    func (c AreaChartSeries) X() *crt.CT_AreaSer
type Axis
type Bar3DChart
    func (c Bar3DChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)
    func (c Bar3DChart) AddSeries() BarChartSeries
    func (c Bar3DChart) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c Bar3DChart) SetDirection(d crt.ST_BarDir)
    func (c Bar3DChart) X() *crt.CT_Bar3DChart
type BarChart
    func (c BarChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)
    func (c BarChart) AddSeries() BarChartSeries
    func (c BarChart) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c BarChart) SetDirection(d crt.ST_BarDir)
    func (c BarChart) X() *crt.CT_BarChart
type BarChartSeries
    func (c BarChartSeries) CategoryAxis() CategoryAxisDataSource
    func (c BarChartSeries) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c BarChartSeries) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties
    func (c BarChartSeries) SetText(s string)
    func (c BarChartSeries) Values() NumberDataSource
    func (c BarChartSeries) X() *crt.CT_BarSer
type BubbleChart
    func (c BubbleChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)
    func (c BubbleChart) AddSeries() BubbleChartSeries
    func (c BubbleChart) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c BubbleChart) X() *crt.CT_BubbleChart
type BubbleChartSeries
    func (c BubbleChartSeries) BubbleSizes() NumberDataSource
    func (c BubbleChartSeries) CategoryAxis() CategoryAxisDataSource
    func (c BubbleChartSeries) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c BubbleChartSeries) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties
    func (c BubbleChartSeries) SetText(s string)
    func (c BubbleChartSeries) Values() NumberDataSource
    func (c BubbleChartSeries) X() *crt.CT_BubbleSer
type CategoryAxis
    func MakeCategoryAxis(x *crt.CT_CatAx) CategoryAxis
    func (c CategoryAxis) AxisID() uint32
    func (c CategoryAxis) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c CategoryAxis) MajorGridLines() GridLines
    func (c CategoryAxis) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties
    func (c CategoryAxis) SetCrosses(axis Axis)
    func (c CategoryAxis) SetMajorTickMark(m crt.ST_TickMark)
    func (c CategoryAxis) SetMinorTickMark(m crt.ST_TickMark)
    func (c CategoryAxis) SetPosition(p crt.ST_AxPos)
    func (c CategoryAxis) SetTickLabelPosition(p crt.ST_TickLblPos)
type CategoryAxisDataSource
    func MakeAxisDataSource(x *crt.CT_AxDataSource) CategoryAxisDataSource
    func (a CategoryAxisDataSource) SetLabelReference(s string)
    func (a CategoryAxisDataSource) SetNumberReference(s string)
    func (a CategoryAxisDataSource) SetValues(v []string)
type Chart
    func MakeChart(x *crt.ChartSpace) Chart
    func (c Chart) AddArea3DChart() Area3DChart
    func (c Chart) AddAreaChart() AreaChart
    func (c Chart) AddBar3DChart() Bar3DChart
    func (c Chart) AddBarChart() BarChart
    func (c Chart) AddBubbleChart() BubbleChart
    func (c Chart) AddCategoryAxis() CategoryAxis
    func (c Chart) AddDateAxis() DateAxis
    func (c Chart) AddDoughnutChart() DoughnutChart
    func (c Chart) AddLegend() Legend
    func (c Chart) AddLine3DChart() Line3DChart
    func (c Chart) AddLineChart() LineChart
    func (c Chart) AddPie3DChart() Pie3DChart
    func (c Chart) AddPieChart() PieChart
    func (c Chart) AddPieOfPieChart() PieOfPieChart
    func (c Chart) AddRadarChart() RadarChart
    func (c Chart) AddScatterChart() ScatterChart
    func (c Chart) AddSeriesAxis() SeriesAxis
    func (c Chart) AddStockChart() StockChart
    func (c Chart) AddSurface3DChart() Surface3DChart
    func (c Chart) AddSurfaceChart() SurfaceChart
    func (c Chart) AddTitle() Title
    func (c Chart) AddValueAxis() ValueAxis
    func (c Chart) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties
    func (c Chart) RemoveLegend()
    func (c Chart) RemoveTitle()
    func (c Chart) SetDisplayBlanksAs(v crt.ST_DispBlanksAs)
    func (c Chart) X() *crt.ChartSpace
type DataLabels
    func MakeDataLabels(x *crt.CT_DLbls) DataLabels
    func (d DataLabels) SetPosition(p crt.ST_DLblPos)
    func (d DataLabels) SetShowCategoryName(b bool)
    func (d DataLabels) SetShowLeaderLines(b bool)
    func (d DataLabels) SetShowLegendKey(b bool)
    func (d DataLabels) SetShowPercent(b bool)
    func (d DataLabels) SetShowSeriesName(b bool)
    func (d DataLabels) SetShowValue(b bool)
type DateAxis
    func (v DateAxis) AxisID() uint32
    func (v DateAxis) MajorGridLines() GridLines
    func (v DateAxis) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties
    func (v DateAxis) SetCrosses(axis Axis)
    func (v DateAxis) SetMajorTickMark(m crt.ST_TickMark)
    func (v DateAxis) SetMinorTickMark(m crt.ST_TickMark)
    func (v DateAxis) SetPosition(p crt.ST_AxPos)
    func (v DateAxis) SetTickLabelPosition(p crt.ST_TickLblPos)
    func (v DateAxis) X() *crt.CT_DateAx
type DoughnutChart
    func (c DoughnutChart) AddSeries() PieChartSeries
    func (c DoughnutChart) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c DoughnutChart) SetHoleSize(pct uint8)
    func (c DoughnutChart) X() *crt.CT_DoughnutChart
type GridLines
    func (g GridLines) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties
    func (g GridLines) X() *crt.CT_ChartLines
type Legend
    func MakeLegend(l *crt.CT_Legend) Legend
    func (l Legend) InitializeDefaults()
    func (l Legend) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties
    func (l Legend) SetOverlay(b bool)
    func (l Legend) SetPosition(p crt.ST_LegendPos)
    func (l Legend) X() *crt.CT_Legend
type Line3DChart
    func (c Line3DChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)
    func (c Line3DChart) AddSeries() LineChartSeries
    func (c Line3DChart) X() *crt.CT_Line3DChart
type LineChart
    func (c LineChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)
    func (c LineChart) AddSeries() LineChartSeries
    func (c LineChart) X() *crt.CT_LineChart
type LineChartSeries
    func (c LineChartSeries) CategoryAxis() CategoryAxisDataSource
    func (c LineChartSeries) Index() uint32
    func (c LineChartSeries) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c LineChartSeries) Labels() DataLabels
    func (c LineChartSeries) Marker() Marker
    func (c LineChartSeries) Order() uint32
    func (c LineChartSeries) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties
    func (c LineChartSeries) SetIndex(idx uint32)
    func (c LineChartSeries) SetOrder(idx uint32)
    func (c LineChartSeries) SetSmooth(b bool)
    func (c LineChartSeries) SetText(s string)
    func (c LineChartSeries) Values() NumberDataSource
    func (c LineChartSeries) X() *crt.CT_LineSer
type Marker
    func MakeMarker(x *crt.CT_Marker) Marker
    func (m Marker) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties
    func (m Marker) SetSize(sz uint8)
    func (m Marker) SetSymbol(s crt.ST_MarkerStyle)
    func (m Marker) X() *crt.CT_Marker
type NumberDataSource
    func MakeNumberDataSource(x *crt.CT_NumDataSource) NumberDataSource
    func (n NumberDataSource) CreateEmptyNumberCache()
    func (n NumberDataSource) SetReference(s string)
    func (n NumberDataSource) SetValues(v []float64)
type Pie3DChart
    func (c Pie3DChart) AddSeries() PieChartSeries
    func (c Pie3DChart) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c Pie3DChart) X() *crt.CT_Pie3DChart
type PieChart
    func (c PieChart) AddSeries() PieChartSeries
    func (c PieChart) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c PieChart) X() *crt.CT_PieChart
type PieChartSeries
    func (c PieChartSeries) CategoryAxis() CategoryAxisDataSource
    func (c PieChartSeries) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c PieChartSeries) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties
    func (c PieChartSeries) SetExplosion(v uint32)
    func (c PieChartSeries) SetText(s string)
    func (c PieChartSeries) Values() NumberDataSource
    func (c PieChartSeries) X() *crt.CT_PieSer
type PieOfPieChart
    func (c PieOfPieChart) AddSeries() PieChartSeries
    func (c PieOfPieChart) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c PieOfPieChart) SetType(t crt.ST_OfPieType)
    func (c PieOfPieChart) X() *crt.CT_OfPieChart
type RadarChart
    func (c RadarChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)
    func (c RadarChart) AddSeries() RadarChartSeries
    func (c RadarChart) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c RadarChart) X() *crt.CT_RadarChart
type RadarChartSeries
    func (c RadarChartSeries) CategoryAxis() CategoryAxisDataSource
    func (c RadarChartSeries) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c RadarChartSeries) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties
    func (c RadarChartSeries) SetText(s string)
    func (c RadarChartSeries) Values() NumberDataSource
    func (c RadarChartSeries) X() *crt.CT_RadarSer
type ScatterChart
    func (c ScatterChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)
    func (c ScatterChart) AddSeries() ScatterChartSeries
    func (c ScatterChart) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c ScatterChart) X() *crt.CT_ScatterChart
type ScatterChartSeries
    func (c ScatterChartSeries) CategoryAxis() CategoryAxisDataSource
    func (c ScatterChartSeries) Index() uint32
    func (c ScatterChartSeries) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c ScatterChartSeries) Labels() DataLabels
    func (c ScatterChartSeries) Marker() Marker
    func (c ScatterChartSeries) Order() uint32
    func (c ScatterChartSeries) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties
    func (c ScatterChartSeries) SetIndex(idx uint32)
    func (c ScatterChartSeries) SetOrder(idx uint32)
    func (c ScatterChartSeries) SetSmooth(b bool)
    func (c ScatterChartSeries) SetText(s string)
    func (c ScatterChartSeries) Values() NumberDataSource
    func (c ScatterChartSeries) X() *crt.CT_ScatterSer
type SeriesAxis
    func MakeSeriesAxis(x *crt.CT_SerAx) SeriesAxis
    func (s SeriesAxis) AxisID() uint32
    func (s SeriesAxis) InitializeDefaults()
    func (s SeriesAxis) SetCrosses(axis Axis)
    func (s SeriesAxis) X() *crt.CT_SerAx
type StockChart
    func (c StockChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)
    func (c StockChart) AddSeries() LineChartSeries
    func (c StockChart) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c StockChart) X() *crt.CT_StockChart
type Surface3DChart
    func (c Surface3DChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)
    func (c Surface3DChart) AddSeries() SurfaceChartSeries
    func (c Surface3DChart) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c Surface3DChart) X() *crt.CT_Surface3DChart
type SurfaceChart
    func (c SurfaceChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)
    func (c SurfaceChart) AddSeries() SurfaceChartSeries
    func (c SurfaceChart) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c SurfaceChart) X() *crt.CT_SurfaceChart
type SurfaceChartSeries
    func (c SurfaceChartSeries) CategoryAxis() CategoryAxisDataSource
    func (c SurfaceChartSeries) Index() uint32
    func (c SurfaceChartSeries) InitializeDefaults()
    func (c SurfaceChartSeries) Order() uint32
    func (c SurfaceChartSeries) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties
    func (c SurfaceChartSeries) SetIndex(idx uint32)
    func (c SurfaceChartSeries) SetOrder(idx uint32)
    func (c SurfaceChartSeries) SetText(s string)
    func (c SurfaceChartSeries) Values() NumberDataSource
    func (c SurfaceChartSeries) X() *crt.CT_SurfaceSer
type Title
    func MakeTitle(x *crt.CT_Title) Title
    func (t Title) InitializeDefaults()
    func (t Title) ParagraphProperties() drawing.ParagraphProperties
    func (t Title) RunProperties() drawing.RunProperties
    func (t Title) SetText(s string)
    func (t Title) X() *crt.CT_Title
type ValueAxis
    func MakeValueAxis(x *crt.CT_ValAx) ValueAxis
    func (v ValueAxis) AxisID() uint32
    func (v ValueAxis) MajorGridLines() GridLines
    func (v ValueAxis) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties
    func (v ValueAxis) SetCrosses(axis Axis)
    func (v ValueAxis) SetMajorTickMark(m crt.ST_TickMark)
    func (v ValueAxis) SetMinorTickMark(m crt.ST_TickMark)
    func (v ValueAxis) SetPosition(p crt.ST_AxPos)
    func (v ValueAxis) SetTickLabelPosition(p crt.ST_TickLblPos)
    func (v ValueAxis) X() *crt.CT_ValAx

Package files

area3dchart.go areachart.go areachartseries.go axis.go bar3dchart.go barchart.go barchartseries.go bubblechart.go bubblechartseries.go categoryaxis.go categoryaxisdatasource.go chart.go chartbase.go datalabels.go dateaxis.go doughnutchart.go gridlines.go legend.go line3dchart.go linechart.go linechartseries.go marker.go numberdatasource.go pie3dchart.go piechart.go piechartseries.go pieofpiechart.go radarchart.go radarchartseries.go scatterchart.go scatterchartseries.go seriesaxis.go stockchart.go surface3dchart.go surfacechart.go surfacechartseries.go title.go valueaxis.go

type Area3DChart

Area3DChart is an area chart that has a shaded area underneath a curve.

type Area3DChart struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (Area3DChart) AddAxis

func (c Area3DChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)

func (Area3DChart) AddSeries

func (c Area3DChart) AddSeries() AreaChartSeries

AddSeries adds a default series to an area chart.

func (Area3DChart) InitializeDefaults

func (c Area3DChart) InitializeDefaults()

InitializeDefaults the bar chart to its defaults

func (Area3DChart) X

func (c Area3DChart) X() *crt.CT_Area3DChart

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type AreaChart

AreaChart is an area chart that has a shaded area underneath a curve.

type AreaChart struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AreaChart) AddAxis

func (c AreaChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)

func (AreaChart) AddSeries

func (c AreaChart) AddSeries() AreaChartSeries

AddSeries adds a default series to an area chart.

func (AreaChart) InitializeDefaults

func (c AreaChart) InitializeDefaults()

InitializeDefaults the bar chart to its defaults

func (AreaChart) X

func (c AreaChart) X() *crt.CT_AreaChart

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type AreaChartSeries

AreaChartSeries is a series to be used on an area chart.

type AreaChartSeries struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (AreaChartSeries) CategoryAxis

func (c AreaChartSeries) CategoryAxis() CategoryAxisDataSource

CategoryAxis returns the category data source.

func (AreaChartSeries) InitializeDefaults

func (c AreaChartSeries) InitializeDefaults()

InitializeDefaults initializes an area series to the default values.

func (AreaChartSeries) Properties

func (c AreaChartSeries) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties

Properties returns the bar chart series shape properties.

func (AreaChartSeries) SetText

func (c AreaChartSeries) SetText(s string)

SetText sets the series text.

func (AreaChartSeries) Values

func (c AreaChartSeries) Values() NumberDataSource

Values returns the value data source.

func (AreaChartSeries) X

func (c AreaChartSeries) X() *crt.CT_AreaSer

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type Axis

Axis is the interface implemented by different axes when assigning to a chart.

type Axis interface {
    AxisID() uint32

NullAxis is a null axis with an ID of zero

var NullAxis Axis = nullAxis(0)

type Bar3DChart

Bar3DChart is a 3D bar chart.

type Bar3DChart struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (Bar3DChart) AddAxis

func (c Bar3DChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)

func (Bar3DChart) AddSeries

func (c Bar3DChart) AddSeries() BarChartSeries

AddSeries adds a default series to a bar chart.

func (Bar3DChart) InitializeDefaults

func (c Bar3DChart) InitializeDefaults()

InitializeDefaults the bar chart to its defaults

func (Bar3DChart) SetDirection

func (c Bar3DChart) SetDirection(d crt.ST_BarDir)

SetDirection changes the direction of the bar chart (bar or column).

func (Bar3DChart) X

func (c Bar3DChart) X() *crt.CT_Bar3DChart

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type BarChart

BarChart is a 2D bar chart.

type BarChart struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (BarChart) AddAxis

func (c BarChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)

func (BarChart) AddSeries

func (c BarChart) AddSeries() BarChartSeries

AddSeries adds a default series to a bar chart.

func (BarChart) InitializeDefaults

func (c BarChart) InitializeDefaults()

InitializeDefaults the bar chart to its defaults

func (BarChart) SetDirection

func (c BarChart) SetDirection(d crt.ST_BarDir)

SetDirection changes the direction of the bar chart (bar or column).

func (BarChart) X

func (c BarChart) X() *crt.CT_BarChart

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type BarChartSeries

BarChartSeries is a series to be used on a bar chart.

type BarChartSeries struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (BarChartSeries) CategoryAxis

func (c BarChartSeries) CategoryAxis() CategoryAxisDataSource

CategoryAxis returns the category data source.

func (BarChartSeries) InitializeDefaults

func (c BarChartSeries) InitializeDefaults()

InitializeDefaults initializes a bar chart series to the default values.

func (BarChartSeries) Properties

func (c BarChartSeries) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties

Properties returns the bar chart series shape properties.

func (BarChartSeries) SetText

func (c BarChartSeries) SetText(s string)

SetText sets the series text.

func (BarChartSeries) Values

func (c BarChartSeries) Values() NumberDataSource

Values returns the value data source.

func (BarChartSeries) X

func (c BarChartSeries) X() *crt.CT_BarSer

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type BubbleChart

BubbleChart is a 2D Bubble chart.

type BubbleChart struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (BubbleChart) AddAxis

func (c BubbleChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)

func (BubbleChart) AddSeries

func (c BubbleChart) AddSeries() BubbleChartSeries

AddSeries adds a default series to a Bubble chart.

func (BubbleChart) InitializeDefaults

func (c BubbleChart) InitializeDefaults()

InitializeDefaults the Bubble chart to its defaults

func (BubbleChart) X

func (c BubbleChart) X() *crt.CT_BubbleChart

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type BubbleChartSeries

BubbleChartSeries is a series to be used on a Bubble chart.

type BubbleChartSeries struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (BubbleChartSeries) BubbleSizes

func (c BubbleChartSeries) BubbleSizes() NumberDataSource

Values returns the bubble size data source.

func (BubbleChartSeries) CategoryAxis

func (c BubbleChartSeries) CategoryAxis() CategoryAxisDataSource

CategoryAxis returns the category data source.

func (BubbleChartSeries) InitializeDefaults

func (c BubbleChartSeries) InitializeDefaults()

InitializeDefaults initializes a Bubble chart series to the default values.

func (BubbleChartSeries) Properties

func (c BubbleChartSeries) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties

Properties returns the Bubble chart series shape properties.

func (BubbleChartSeries) SetText

func (c BubbleChartSeries) SetText(s string)

SetText sets the series text.

func (BubbleChartSeries) Values

func (c BubbleChartSeries) Values() NumberDataSource

Values returns the value data source.

func (BubbleChartSeries) X

func (c BubbleChartSeries) X() *crt.CT_BubbleSer

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type CategoryAxis

type CategoryAxis struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func MakeCategoryAxis

func MakeCategoryAxis(x *crt.CT_CatAx) CategoryAxis

func (CategoryAxis) AxisID

func (c CategoryAxis) AxisID() uint32

func (CategoryAxis) InitializeDefaults

func (c CategoryAxis) InitializeDefaults()

func (CategoryAxis) MajorGridLines

func (c CategoryAxis) MajorGridLines() GridLines

func (CategoryAxis) Properties

func (c CategoryAxis) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties

func (CategoryAxis) SetCrosses

func (c CategoryAxis) SetCrosses(axis Axis)

func (CategoryAxis) SetMajorTickMark

func (c CategoryAxis) SetMajorTickMark(m crt.ST_TickMark)

func (CategoryAxis) SetMinorTickMark

func (c CategoryAxis) SetMinorTickMark(m crt.ST_TickMark)

func (CategoryAxis) SetPosition

func (c CategoryAxis) SetPosition(p crt.ST_AxPos)

func (CategoryAxis) SetTickLabelPosition

func (c CategoryAxis) SetTickLabelPosition(p crt.ST_TickLblPos)

type CategoryAxisDataSource

CategoryAxisDataSource specifies the data for an axis. It's commonly used with SetReference to set the axis data to a range of cells.

type CategoryAxisDataSource struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func MakeAxisDataSource

func MakeAxisDataSource(x *crt.CT_AxDataSource) CategoryAxisDataSource

MakeAxisDataSource constructs an AxisDataSource wrapper.

func (CategoryAxisDataSource) SetLabelReference

func (a CategoryAxisDataSource) SetLabelReference(s string)

SetLabelReference is used to set the source data to a range of cells containing strings.

func (CategoryAxisDataSource) SetNumberReference

func (a CategoryAxisDataSource) SetNumberReference(s string)

SetNumberReference is used to set the source data to a range of cells containing numbers.

func (CategoryAxisDataSource) SetValues

func (a CategoryAxisDataSource) SetValues(v []string)

SetValues is used to set the source data to a set of values.

type Chart

Chart is a generic chart.

type Chart struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func MakeChart

func MakeChart(x *crt.ChartSpace) Chart

func (Chart) AddArea3DChart

func (c Chart) AddArea3DChart() Area3DChart

AddArea3DChart adds a new area chart to a chart.

func (Chart) AddAreaChart

func (c Chart) AddAreaChart() AreaChart

AddAreaChart adds a new area chart to a chart.

func (Chart) AddBar3DChart

func (c Chart) AddBar3DChart() Bar3DChart

AddBar3DChart adds a new 3D bar chart to a chart.

func (Chart) AddBarChart

func (c Chart) AddBarChart() BarChart

AddBarChart adds a new bar chart to a chart.

func (Chart) AddBubbleChart

func (c Chart) AddBubbleChart() BubbleChart

AddBubbleChart adds a new bubble chart.

func (Chart) AddCategoryAxis

func (c Chart) AddCategoryAxis() CategoryAxis

AddCategoryAxis adds a category axis.

func (Chart) AddDateAxis

func (c Chart) AddDateAxis() DateAxis

AddDateAxis adds a value axis to the chart.

func (Chart) AddDoughnutChart

func (c Chart) AddDoughnutChart() DoughnutChart

AddDoughnutChart adds a new doughnut (pie with a hole in the center) chart to a chart.

func (Chart) AddLegend

func (c Chart) AddLegend() Legend

AddLegend adds a legend to a chart, replacing any existing legend.

func (Chart) AddLine3DChart

func (c Chart) AddLine3DChart() Line3DChart

AddLine3DChart adds a new 3D line chart to a chart.

func (Chart) AddLineChart

func (c Chart) AddLineChart() LineChart

AddLineChart adds a new line chart to a chart.

func (Chart) AddPie3DChart

func (c Chart) AddPie3DChart() Pie3DChart

AddPie3DChart adds a new pie chart to a chart.

func (Chart) AddPieChart

func (c Chart) AddPieChart() PieChart

AddPieChart adds a new pie chart to a chart.

func (Chart) AddPieOfPieChart

func (c Chart) AddPieOfPieChart() PieOfPieChart

AddPieOfPieChart adds a new pie chart to a chart.

func (Chart) AddRadarChart

func (c Chart) AddRadarChart() RadarChart

AddRadarChart adds a new radar chart to a chart.

func (Chart) AddScatterChart

func (c Chart) AddScatterChart() ScatterChart

AddScatterChart adds a scatter (X/Y) chart.

func (Chart) AddSeriesAxis

func (c Chart) AddSeriesAxis() SeriesAxis

func (Chart) AddStockChart

func (c Chart) AddStockChart() StockChart

AddStockChart adds a new stock chart.

func (Chart) AddSurface3DChart

func (c Chart) AddSurface3DChart() Surface3DChart

AddSurface3DChart adds a new 3D surface chart to a chart.

func (Chart) AddSurfaceChart

func (c Chart) AddSurfaceChart() SurfaceChart

AddSurfaceChart adds a new surface chart to a chart.

func (Chart) AddTitle

func (c Chart) AddTitle() Title

AddTitle sets a new title on the chart.

func (Chart) AddValueAxis

func (c Chart) AddValueAxis() ValueAxis

AddValueAxis adds a value axis to the chart.

func (Chart) Properties

func (c Chart) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties

Properties returns the chart's shape properties.

func (Chart) RemoveLegend

func (c Chart) RemoveLegend()

RemoveLegend removes the legend if the chart has one.

func (Chart) RemoveTitle

func (c Chart) RemoveTitle()

RemoveTitle removes any existing title from the chart.

func (Chart) SetDisplayBlanksAs

func (c Chart) SetDisplayBlanksAs(v crt.ST_DispBlanksAs)

SetDisplayBlanksAs controls how missing values are displayed.

func (Chart) X

func (c Chart) X() *crt.ChartSpace

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type DataLabels

type DataLabels struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func MakeDataLabels

func MakeDataLabels(x *crt.CT_DLbls) DataLabels

func (DataLabels) SetPosition

func (d DataLabels) SetPosition(p crt.ST_DLblPos)

func (DataLabels) SetShowCategoryName

func (d DataLabels) SetShowCategoryName(b bool)

func (DataLabels) SetShowLeaderLines

func (d DataLabels) SetShowLeaderLines(b bool)

func (DataLabels) SetShowLegendKey

func (d DataLabels) SetShowLegendKey(b bool)

func (DataLabels) SetShowPercent

func (d DataLabels) SetShowPercent(b bool)

func (DataLabels) SetShowSeriesName

func (d DataLabels) SetShowSeriesName(b bool)

func (DataLabels) SetShowValue

func (d DataLabels) SetShowValue(b bool)

type DateAxis

type DateAxis struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DateAxis) AxisID

func (v DateAxis) AxisID() uint32

func (DateAxis) MajorGridLines

func (v DateAxis) MajorGridLines() GridLines

func (DateAxis) Properties

func (v DateAxis) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties

func (DateAxis) SetCrosses

func (v DateAxis) SetCrosses(axis Axis)

func (DateAxis) SetMajorTickMark

func (v DateAxis) SetMajorTickMark(m crt.ST_TickMark)

func (DateAxis) SetMinorTickMark

func (v DateAxis) SetMinorTickMark(m crt.ST_TickMark)

func (DateAxis) SetPosition

func (v DateAxis) SetPosition(p crt.ST_AxPos)

func (DateAxis) SetTickLabelPosition

func (v DateAxis) SetTickLabelPosition(p crt.ST_TickLblPos)

func (DateAxis) X

func (v DateAxis) X() *crt.CT_DateAx

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type DoughnutChart

DoughnutChart is a Doughnut chart.

type DoughnutChart struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (DoughnutChart) AddSeries

func (c DoughnutChart) AddSeries() PieChartSeries

AddSeries adds a default series to an Doughnut chart.

func (DoughnutChart) InitializeDefaults

func (c DoughnutChart) InitializeDefaults()

InitializeDefaults the bar chart to its defaults

func (DoughnutChart) SetHoleSize

func (c DoughnutChart) SetHoleSize(pct uint8)

SetHoleSize controls the hole size in the pie chart and is measured in percent.

func (DoughnutChart) X

func (c DoughnutChart) X() *crt.CT_DoughnutChart

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type GridLines

type GridLines struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (GridLines) Properties

func (g GridLines) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties

func (GridLines) X

func (g GridLines) X() *crt.CT_ChartLines

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type Legend

type Legend struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func MakeLegend

func MakeLegend(l *crt.CT_Legend) Legend

func (Legend) InitializeDefaults

func (l Legend) InitializeDefaults()

func (Legend) Properties

func (l Legend) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties

func (Legend) SetOverlay

func (l Legend) SetOverlay(b bool)

func (Legend) SetPosition

func (l Legend) SetPosition(p crt.ST_LegendPos)

func (Legend) X

func (l Legend) X() *crt.CT_Legend

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type Line3DChart

type Line3DChart struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (Line3DChart) AddAxis

func (c Line3DChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)

AddAxis adds an axis to a line chart.

func (Line3DChart) AddSeries

func (c Line3DChart) AddSeries() LineChartSeries

AddSeries adds a default series to a line chart.

func (Line3DChart) X

func (c Line3DChart) X() *crt.CT_Line3DChart

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type LineChart

type LineChart struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (LineChart) AddAxis

func (c LineChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)

AddAxis adds an axis to a line chart.

func (LineChart) AddSeries

func (c LineChart) AddSeries() LineChartSeries

AddSeries adds a default series to a line chart.

func (LineChart) X

func (c LineChart) X() *crt.CT_LineChart

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type LineChartSeries

LineChartSeries is the data series for a line chart.

type LineChartSeries struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (LineChartSeries) CategoryAxis

func (c LineChartSeries) CategoryAxis() CategoryAxisDataSource

func (LineChartSeries) Index

func (c LineChartSeries) Index() uint32

Index returns the index of the series

func (LineChartSeries) InitializeDefaults

func (c LineChartSeries) InitializeDefaults()

func (LineChartSeries) Labels

func (c LineChartSeries) Labels() DataLabels

Labels returns the data label properties.

func (LineChartSeries) Marker

func (c LineChartSeries) Marker() Marker

Marker returns the marker properties.

func (LineChartSeries) Order

func (c LineChartSeries) Order() uint32

Order returns the order of the series

func (LineChartSeries) Properties

func (c LineChartSeries) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties

Properties returns the line chart series shape properties.

func (LineChartSeries) SetIndex

func (c LineChartSeries) SetIndex(idx uint32)

SetIndex sets the index of the series

func (LineChartSeries) SetOrder

func (c LineChartSeries) SetOrder(idx uint32)

SetOrder sets the order of the series

func (LineChartSeries) SetSmooth

func (c LineChartSeries) SetSmooth(b bool)

func (LineChartSeries) SetText

func (c LineChartSeries) SetText(s string)

SetText sets the series text

func (LineChartSeries) Values

func (c LineChartSeries) Values() NumberDataSource

func (LineChartSeries) X

func (c LineChartSeries) X() *crt.CT_LineSer

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type Marker

type Marker struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func MakeMarker

func MakeMarker(x *crt.CT_Marker) Marker

func (Marker) Properties

func (m Marker) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties

func (Marker) SetSize

func (m Marker) SetSize(sz uint8)

func (Marker) SetSymbol

func (m Marker) SetSymbol(s crt.ST_MarkerStyle)

func (Marker) X

func (m Marker) X() *crt.CT_Marker

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type NumberDataSource

type NumberDataSource struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func MakeNumberDataSource

func MakeNumberDataSource(x *crt.CT_NumDataSource) NumberDataSource

func (NumberDataSource) CreateEmptyNumberCache

func (n NumberDataSource) CreateEmptyNumberCache()

CreateEmptyNumberCache creates an empty number cache, which is used sometimes to increase file format compatibility. It should actually contain the computed cell data, but just creating an empty one is good enough.

func (NumberDataSource) SetReference

func (n NumberDataSource) SetReference(s string)

func (NumberDataSource) SetValues

func (n NumberDataSource) SetValues(v []float64)

SetValues sets values directly on a source.

type Pie3DChart

Pie3DChart is a Pie3D chart.

type Pie3DChart struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (Pie3DChart) AddSeries

func (c Pie3DChart) AddSeries() PieChartSeries

AddSeries adds a default series to an Pie3D chart.

func (Pie3DChart) InitializeDefaults

func (c Pie3DChart) InitializeDefaults()

InitializeDefaults the bar chart to its defaults

func (Pie3DChart) X

func (c Pie3DChart) X() *crt.CT_Pie3DChart

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type PieChart

PieChart is a Pie chart.

type PieChart struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (PieChart) AddSeries

func (c PieChart) AddSeries() PieChartSeries

AddSeries adds a default series to an Pie chart.

func (PieChart) InitializeDefaults

func (c PieChart) InitializeDefaults()

InitializeDefaults the bar chart to its defaults

func (PieChart) X

func (c PieChart) X() *crt.CT_PieChart

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type PieChartSeries

PieChartSeries is a series to be used on an Pie chart.

type PieChartSeries struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (PieChartSeries) CategoryAxis

func (c PieChartSeries) CategoryAxis() CategoryAxisDataSource

CategoryAxis returns the category data source.

func (PieChartSeries) InitializeDefaults

func (c PieChartSeries) InitializeDefaults()

InitializeDefaults initializes an Pie series to the default values.

func (PieChartSeries) Properties

func (c PieChartSeries) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties

Properties returns the bar chart series shape properties.

func (PieChartSeries) SetExplosion

func (c PieChartSeries) SetExplosion(v uint32)

SetExplosion sets the value that the segements of the pie are 'exploded' by

func (PieChartSeries) SetText

func (c PieChartSeries) SetText(s string)

SetText sets the series text.

func (PieChartSeries) Values

func (c PieChartSeries) Values() NumberDataSource

Values returns the value data source.

func (PieChartSeries) X

func (c PieChartSeries) X() *crt.CT_PieSer

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type PieOfPieChart

PieOfPieChart is a Pie chart with an extra Pie chart.

type PieOfPieChart struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (PieOfPieChart) AddSeries

func (c PieOfPieChart) AddSeries() PieChartSeries

AddSeries adds a default series to an Pie chart.

func (PieOfPieChart) InitializeDefaults

func (c PieOfPieChart) InitializeDefaults()

InitializeDefaults the bar chart to its defaults

func (PieOfPieChart) SetType

func (c PieOfPieChart) SetType(t crt.ST_OfPieType)

SetType sets the type the secone pie to either pie or bar

func (PieOfPieChart) X

func (c PieOfPieChart) X() *crt.CT_OfPieChart

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type RadarChart

RadarChart is an Radar chart that has a shaded Radar underneath a curve.

type RadarChart struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RadarChart) AddAxis

func (c RadarChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)

func (RadarChart) AddSeries

func (c RadarChart) AddSeries() RadarChartSeries

AddSeries adds a default series to an Radar chart.

func (RadarChart) InitializeDefaults

func (c RadarChart) InitializeDefaults()

InitializeDefaults the bar chart to its defaults

func (RadarChart) X

func (c RadarChart) X() *crt.CT_RadarChart

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type RadarChartSeries

RadarChartSeries is a series to be used on an Radar chart.

type RadarChartSeries struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (RadarChartSeries) CategoryAxis

func (c RadarChartSeries) CategoryAxis() CategoryAxisDataSource

CategoryAxis returns the category data source.

func (RadarChartSeries) InitializeDefaults

func (c RadarChartSeries) InitializeDefaults()

InitializeDefaults initializes an Radar series to the default values.

func (RadarChartSeries) Properties

func (c RadarChartSeries) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties

Properties returns the bar chart series shape properties.

func (RadarChartSeries) SetText

func (c RadarChartSeries) SetText(s string)

SetText sets the series text.

func (RadarChartSeries) Values

func (c RadarChartSeries) Values() NumberDataSource

Values returns the value data source.

func (RadarChartSeries) X

func (c RadarChartSeries) X() *crt.CT_RadarSer

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type ScatterChart

type ScatterChart struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ScatterChart) AddAxis

func (c ScatterChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)

AddAxis adds an axis to a Scatter chart.

func (ScatterChart) AddSeries

func (c ScatterChart) AddSeries() ScatterChartSeries

AddSeries adds a default series to a Scatter chart.

func (ScatterChart) InitializeDefaults

func (c ScatterChart) InitializeDefaults()

func (ScatterChart) X

func (c ScatterChart) X() *crt.CT_ScatterChart

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type ScatterChartSeries

ScatterChartSeries is the data series for a scatter chart.

type ScatterChartSeries struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (ScatterChartSeries) CategoryAxis

func (c ScatterChartSeries) CategoryAxis() CategoryAxisDataSource

func (ScatterChartSeries) Index

func (c ScatterChartSeries) Index() uint32

Index returns the index of the series

func (ScatterChartSeries) InitializeDefaults

func (c ScatterChartSeries) InitializeDefaults()

func (ScatterChartSeries) Labels

func (c ScatterChartSeries) Labels() DataLabels

Labels returns the data label properties.

func (ScatterChartSeries) Marker

func (c ScatterChartSeries) Marker() Marker

Marker returns the marker properties.

func (ScatterChartSeries) Order

func (c ScatterChartSeries) Order() uint32

Order returns the order of the series

func (ScatterChartSeries) Properties

func (c ScatterChartSeries) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties

Properties returns the line chart series shape properties.

func (ScatterChartSeries) SetIndex

func (c ScatterChartSeries) SetIndex(idx uint32)

SetIndex sets the index of the series

func (ScatterChartSeries) SetOrder

func (c ScatterChartSeries) SetOrder(idx uint32)

SetOrder sets the order of the series

func (ScatterChartSeries) SetSmooth

func (c ScatterChartSeries) SetSmooth(b bool)

func (ScatterChartSeries) SetText

func (c ScatterChartSeries) SetText(s string)

SetText sets the series text

func (ScatterChartSeries) Values

func (c ScatterChartSeries) Values() NumberDataSource

func (ScatterChartSeries) X

func (c ScatterChartSeries) X() *crt.CT_ScatterSer

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type SeriesAxis

type SeriesAxis struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func MakeSeriesAxis

func MakeSeriesAxis(x *crt.CT_SerAx) SeriesAxis

func (SeriesAxis) AxisID

func (s SeriesAxis) AxisID() uint32

func (SeriesAxis) InitializeDefaults

func (s SeriesAxis) InitializeDefaults()

func (SeriesAxis) SetCrosses

func (s SeriesAxis) SetCrosses(axis Axis)

func (SeriesAxis) X

func (s SeriesAxis) X() *crt.CT_SerAx

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type StockChart

StockChart is a 2D Stock chart.

type StockChart struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (StockChart) AddAxis

func (c StockChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)

func (StockChart) AddSeries

func (c StockChart) AddSeries() LineChartSeries

AddSeries adds a default series to a Stock chart.

func (StockChart) InitializeDefaults

func (c StockChart) InitializeDefaults()

InitializeDefaults the Stock chart to its defaults

func (StockChart) X

func (c StockChart) X() *crt.CT_StockChart

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type Surface3DChart

Surface3DChart is a 3D view of a surface chart.

type Surface3DChart struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (Surface3DChart) AddAxis

func (c Surface3DChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)

AddAxis adds an axis to a Surface chart.

func (Surface3DChart) AddSeries

func (c Surface3DChart) AddSeries() SurfaceChartSeries

AddSeries adds a default series to a Surface chart.

func (Surface3DChart) InitializeDefaults

func (c Surface3DChart) InitializeDefaults()

func (Surface3DChart) X

func (c Surface3DChart) X() *crt.CT_Surface3DChart

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type SurfaceChart

SurfaceChart is a 3D surface chart, viewed from the top-down.

type SurfaceChart struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (SurfaceChart) AddAxis

func (c SurfaceChart) AddAxis(axis Axis)

AddAxis adds an axis to a Surface chart.

func (SurfaceChart) AddSeries

func (c SurfaceChart) AddSeries() SurfaceChartSeries

AddSeries adds a default series to a Surface chart.

func (SurfaceChart) InitializeDefaults

func (c SurfaceChart) InitializeDefaults()

func (SurfaceChart) X

func (c SurfaceChart) X() *crt.CT_SurfaceChart

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type SurfaceChartSeries

type SurfaceChartSeries struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func (SurfaceChartSeries) CategoryAxis

func (c SurfaceChartSeries) CategoryAxis() CategoryAxisDataSource

func (SurfaceChartSeries) Index

func (c SurfaceChartSeries) Index() uint32

Index returns the index of the series

func (SurfaceChartSeries) InitializeDefaults

func (c SurfaceChartSeries) InitializeDefaults()

func (SurfaceChartSeries) Order

func (c SurfaceChartSeries) Order() uint32

Order returns the order of the series

func (SurfaceChartSeries) Properties

func (c SurfaceChartSeries) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties

Properties returns the line chart series shape properties.

func (SurfaceChartSeries) SetIndex

func (c SurfaceChartSeries) SetIndex(idx uint32)

SetIndex sets the index of the series

func (SurfaceChartSeries) SetOrder

func (c SurfaceChartSeries) SetOrder(idx uint32)

SetOrder sets the order of the series

func (SurfaceChartSeries) SetText

func (c SurfaceChartSeries) SetText(s string)

SetText sets the series text

func (SurfaceChartSeries) Values

func (c SurfaceChartSeries) Values() NumberDataSource

func (SurfaceChartSeries) X

func (c SurfaceChartSeries) X() *crt.CT_SurfaceSer

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type Title

type Title struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func MakeTitle

func MakeTitle(x *crt.CT_Title) Title

func (Title) InitializeDefaults

func (t Title) InitializeDefaults()

func (Title) ParagraphProperties

func (t Title) ParagraphProperties() drawing.ParagraphProperties

func (Title) RunProperties

func (t Title) RunProperties() drawing.RunProperties

func (Title) SetText

func (t Title) SetText(s string)

func (Title) X

func (t Title) X() *crt.CT_Title

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.

type ValueAxis

type ValueAxis struct {
    // contains filtered or unexported fields

func MakeValueAxis

func MakeValueAxis(x *crt.CT_ValAx) ValueAxis

func (ValueAxis) AxisID

func (v ValueAxis) AxisID() uint32

func (ValueAxis) MajorGridLines

func (v ValueAxis) MajorGridLines() GridLines

func (ValueAxis) Properties

func (v ValueAxis) Properties() drawing.ShapeProperties

func (ValueAxis) SetCrosses

func (v ValueAxis) SetCrosses(axis Axis)

func (ValueAxis) SetMajorTickMark

func (v ValueAxis) SetMajorTickMark(m crt.ST_TickMark)

func (ValueAxis) SetMinorTickMark

func (v ValueAxis) SetMinorTickMark(m crt.ST_TickMark)

func (ValueAxis) SetPosition

func (v ValueAxis) SetPosition(p crt.ST_AxPos)

func (ValueAxis) SetTickLabelPosition

func (v ValueAxis) SetTickLabelPosition(p crt.ST_TickLblPos)

func (ValueAxis) X

func (v ValueAxis) X() *crt.CT_ValAx

X returns the inner wrapped XML type.